Tips to Get Ready for Winter

It's a good idea to have the furnace and fireplace checked by professionals to ensure they're ready for winter weather.

When summer ends and the cooler weather moves in, it's time to think about preparing for winter. Whether winterizing in your home or hiring a professional to do the work, getting a few things ready in the fall can keep larger problems away when winter storms hit.

Cleaning the gutters

Your gutters do the hard work of removing snow and water from your roof. The drainage system should work well to keep the winter weather at bay. Clean gutters prevent floods, roof damage, and exterior wall damage.

Seal any air leaks

Air leaks have a major impact on electricity bills. To conserve heat, invest in weatherstripping to seal up air leaks around doors and windows.

While inspecting weatherstripping, check if the caulk around doors and windows has deteriorated. Weatherstripping and caulk are inexpensive ways to improve the home's winter stability.

Inspect the roof

Check the roof shingles and any joints, such as metal flashing around vents or chimneys and connections to gutters. Anything mounted on the roof, such as a satellite, should also be inspected for wear and tear. Keep the roof in impeccable shape so it can adequately protect the home from winter weather.

Prepare faucets for freezes

Cold temperatures can freeze faucets and cause pipes to burst. Cover external faucets to keep them warm and open outside faucet drains to prevent ice from forming in the lines. If the homeowner has an in-ground sprinkler system, verify it is winterized.

Tune up the furnace and fireplace

It's a good idea to have the furnace and fireplace checked by professionals to ensure they're ready for winter weather. Be sure that the chimney is free from debris or blockages. Verify that the furnace is running without any strange noises. Keep the systems that help the home stay warm running smoothly.

Don't dry out!

The humidifier is a must during dry winter months. Inspect the unit to make sure it's clean and ready for winter.

Check the gas heater

If the property runs on a gas heater, it's important to maintain it properly. Faulty gas heaters can reduce the warmth in the home and can also be dangerous. Check the openings and vents to be sure they're clear of debris. Clean any part of the heater that is dirty. Check the heater's function by following the manufacturer's instructions to keep it running efficiently.

Check sidewalk safety

Check that the sidewalks near the property are ready for ice or snow in your area. It's a good idea to keep grit or salt to treat the sidewalks in case of snow and ice.

Get ready for winter

With a few important preparations, fall can be a magical time. Prevent winter weather issues by checking the key parts of your home before cooler temperatures descend.

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