Simple Energy Maintenance Steps to Improve HVAC Efficiency

Many fear energy audits because they can be costly.

HVAC systems consume considerable energy and comprise much of a home’s monthly energy consumption. However, since they are necessary for many parts of the country, there are steps homeowners can take to improve their HVAC’s energy efficiency. One of the most common is an HVAC maintenance visit.

Many fear maintenance because it can reveal the need for costly repairs, even though they help save money in the long run. However, there are a few things homeowners can do to reduce the expense of their HVAC units. Read on to learn more about the steps between professional visits for HVAC maintenance.

Devise a plan

Homeowners should determine what they are willing and able to take on, whether cleaning the whole unit or simply changing the filters, and establish a schedule. Doing so will also be helpful as the unit will run more efficiently. Ensure that the filter is correct and the schedule allows for heavy use periods and the additional strain of pet hair, smokers in the home, those sensitive to allergens, etc.

Check the outdoor unit

Understand the energy expectations for the home’s HVAC system and the methodology needed to clean it. The documentation that came with the unit should have this information. These details will help the homeowner better understand how to schedule and perform cleaning and the requisite distance for landscape elements such as shrubs and weeds.

Understand the energy expectations for the home’s HVAC system and the methodology needed to clean it. The documentation that came with the unit should have this information. These details will help the homeowner better understand how to schedule and perform cleaning and the requisite distance for landscape elements such as shrubs and weeds.

Ensure the HVAC is in good working condition

Older HVAC appliances can be maintained well enough to perform for many years, but it comes at an increased cost over more energy-efficient newer models. If the HVAC hasn’t been replaced or was the incorrect size at the outset, replacing it is cost-effective.

If the HVAC unit hasn’t been serviced recently and the filters have not been changed, there’s a good chance it uses excessive electricity. Routine professional maintenance eliminates the guesswork about a system’s efficiency. A licensed HVAC technician will inspect the system for any unusual wear and tear, replace filters, and evaluate the system’s overall reliability and efficiency.

Consider switching energy plans

Homeowners who have taken steps to reduce their energy consumption but still struggle with the monthly expense may consider changing their energy plan. Various options and the possibility of adding solar panels are available. Although solar panels are expensive to start using, the expense lessens over time. Homeowners can either fully substitute their energy source or use two different sources to power their homes.

Check for air leaks

Any opening in the house walls is a place where the outside air can make its way inside. Check the weather stripping on the exterior doors, and ensure air isn’t seeping through cracks in the window frames. Regular home maintenance, such as weather stripping and caulking, will lower the strain on the HVAC unit.

Purchase from a reputable dealer

Homeowners who have determined that a new HVAC system is the most effective way to improve their home’s energy efficiency should purchase their new system from a reputable dealer. A well-respected company will ensure the new system is sized right for the home and install it to protect the manufacturer’s warranty.

Contact a reputable, licensed HVAC technician for help with an HVAC system. Their expertise is invaluable in helping homeowners save money on their home heating and cooling costs.

911 Heating, Cooling and Plumbing can service all commercial and residential HVAC and plumbing needs. Call 602-795-2900 today