Discover Why You Need to Schedule a Spring AC Tune-Up Now!

Winter is waning, and the spring season is just around the corner. The weather will get warmer, and homeowners will start planning all the maintenance chores they need to do. These chores are crucial - especially after the harsh winters - to keep the home in the best shape. AC tune-up is one of the vital tasks to take care of before the summer heat becomes unbearable.

Early or pre-spring is the best time to consider booking your AC tune-up session to ensure that your unit is fully prepared to provide comfort for the coming months. It also helps avoid inconvenience and problems during the peak summer season.

Here are a few compelling reasons to call an air conditioner service and schedule a spring AC tune-up as soon as possible:

Jumpstart your AC after a period of inactivity

An air conditioner lies dormant over the winter and needs some care before putting it to intense use. An extended period of inactivity leads to dirt, dust, and debris build-up inside the unit. The system may also develop clogs, electrical and mechanical issues, or wear and tear of vital parts. During the spring tune-up, a licensed HVAC technician properly cleans the system and inspects it for potential problems before they create trouble and turn expensive. 

Boosts AC efficiency

Dirt and debris accumulation on the coils, worn-out parts, and clogged filters will reduce system efficiency and cause an air conditioner to use more power to cool your home. Regular tune-ups in the spring ensure smooth system operation at optimum efficiency during summer. An efficiently performing cooling system consumes less energy, which translates to lower monthly energy bills during the peak season.

Reduce the risk of breakdown

What is every homeowner's worst nightmare? A broken or malfunctioning AC in the middle of the summer heat! Scheduling an air conditioner maintenance in early spring eliminates the need for frequent repairs and prevents inconvenient breakdowns. The technician inspects all the unit components to detect and fix issues that can create a problem when the cooling system sees regular use as the temperatures soar. A properly maintained AC system is less likely to suffer unexpected damage and enjoys a longer lifespan. 

Ensure healthy indoor air

Turning on the air conditioner in the summer without cleaning allows accumulated dirt, dust, and allergens to enter your living space. It also affects the unit's ability to allow proper air circulation. Spring AC tune-up significantly improves indoor air quality. Professionals clean air filters, ductwork, coils, and other parts to prevent harmful particles from circulating indoors and provide a cleaner and healthier environment.  

Easy availability of professionals

Summer is a busy time for AC technicians, making it hard to schedule tune-ups at the desired day and time and may mean more waiting time. It can also cost more to call professionals during the hottest days. Staying proactive during early spring provides more scheduling options and less wait time. This proactivity also gives homeowners peace of mind that their system will blow cold air without any issues through the summer.

Maintain equipment warranty

Several manufacturers require homeowners to get annual maintenance and check-ups by a licensed technician to keep the warranty. Not doing so voids the manufacturer's warranty and can lead to costly expenses when anything breaks down.

Book your AC tune-up today!

Get on a call with an air conditioner service company and schedule a spring AC tune-up. Let's ensure that you and your family enjoy a comfortable summer.

911 Heating, Cooling and Plumbing can service all commercial and residential HVAC and plumbing needs. Call 602-795-2900 today!
