Understanding the Various Types of HVAC Filters


The air filters incorporated in residential HVAC systems play a crucial role in trapping dirt, debris, pollen, and other air contaminants to keep them from re-circulating in the home and lower the indoor air quality. They are also responsible for the HVAC unit's efficient functioning and protect it from elements that can damage the components or cause premature wear and tear.

An air filter's Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, or MERV rating, indicates its efficiency in trapping air contaminants. Air filters with a high MERV rating perform the best. Understanding the various types of HVAC filters and their ratings can help make an informed choice while buying a new filter. Here are the most common air filters to choose from:

Fiberglass air filters

Fiberglass air filters are made from fiberglass strands strung together to trap large airborne particles. It is the most common type of filter due to its affordability. Fiberglass air filters are disposable and easy to replace. These air filters typically have a MERV rating from 1 to 4. 

They protect the HVAC system from damage by trapping large particles and prevent them from entering the system. However, they are ineffective in trapping small particles and are not powerful enough to improve indoor air quality. Fiberglass air filters are not ideal for people with pets, young children, allergies, and respiratory diseases. 

Pleated air filters

Pleated air filters offer better filter capacity than fiberglass air filters and are more effective in trapping allergens, including pet dander and dust mites. They are made from polyester or cotton fiber folded into pleats. Filters with more pleats offer better protection. Pleated air filters are inexpensive and have a MERV rating between 5 and 8. Homeowners can choose between a disposable and a washable pleated air filter.

Electrostatic air filters

Electrostatic air filters generate a static charge to attract dust and small airborne particles like a magnet when they travel through the filter medium. They're available in disposable and washable forms, and they can have a MERV rating of up to 16. Electrostatic air filters are more expensive than fiberglass and pleated air filters and are not compatible with all HVAC systems. However, they offer better protection from allergens.

UV air filters

UV air filters use ultraviolet rays to kill harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in the home. They are not efficient at removing dust, pollen, and other airborne contaminants.

HEPA filters

HEPA or high-efficiency particulate air filters are the best for people with allergies and severe respiratory issues. Homeowners who smoke or have pets or young children should invest in a high-quality HEPA filter. They offer the highest protection from airborne particles and effectively screen 99.97% of contaminants.  

These filters have a MERV rating between 17 and 20. However, consult a qualified technician before purchasing HEPA filters, as not all HVAC systems can handle filters with such high MERV ratings.

Using the right type of air filter and replacing it when dirty is critical for the system's functioning and keeping the indoor air clean and healthy. Call a local HVAC expert to know which air filter will work best with your HVAC system to meet the home's air quality needs.

911 Heating, Cooling and Plumbing can service all commercial and residential HVAC and plumbing needs. Call 602-795-2900 today!

