When Is the Right Time to Replace an HVAC Unit?


Being a homeowner comes with the burden of making tough decisions. Without regular investments, the property's value will inevitably decrease, causing future problems.

HVAC systems were built to last a long time, but they will eventually need to be replaced. Unfortunately, it's not always clear when it's time for a new HVAC unit. So before calling an HVAC technician, check for any of the following symptoms.

The HVAC unit is old

The Department of Energy recommends replacing the HVAC system every 10 years. If it has been that long, it’s safe to say it’s time for a new unit. The only exception to this recommendation is if the unit hasn't been used much during that time. However, even then, an HVAC expert should examine the situation first.

The HVAC unit breaks down often

If the cost of frequent professional repairs threatens to exceed the cost of a brand-new HVAC unit, then it’s probably time to replace your system. The accumulated repair cost is only a part of the issue. For example, it can be an uncomfortable inconvenience if the HVAC breaks down in the middle of a hot summer day and you have to get on the phone and call someone.

Energy bills have skyrocketed

Seasonal changes will undoubtedly impact the utility bills throughout the year. But considerably higher energy bills month after month are a sign of a problem. The problem is often related to the age of the unit as efficiency declines and requires more energy to operate as the system ages.

Lack of consistent temperatures

If it’s getting harder to get a comfortable home temperature, this is another sign it might be time to replace the HVAC system. It also might be the thermostat, low fluid levels, or clogged filters, so it’s vital to get an expert to assess the situation.

Inability to maintain steady indoor temperatures typically means that the HVAC system is not powerful enough anymore.

Unusual noises and smells

There shouldn't be any smell coming out of the HVAC unit, except some dust burning off when it starts working. Homeowners who notice strange smells need to act immediately and have an expert examine the HVAC system.

The same applies to odd sounds. While not completely silent, HVAC units are typically relatively quiet. Sounds such as banging, grinding, or squealing are red flags and require immediate attention.

Out with the old and in with the new HVAC

The quality of the HVAC system will also have an impact on well and how long it operates. Of course, the installation process and regular maintenance play significant roles too.

Even the best HVAC systems will slow down, become inefficient, or break down completely. When the time comes to get a new HVAC unit, make sure to call a reliable HVAC company that specializes in installation and maintenance.

911 Heating, Cooling and Plumbing can service all commercial and residential HVAC and plumbing needs. Call 602-795-2900 today!

