The Advantages of a Water Softener

Homeowners who want to end hard water issues shouldn’t hesitate to contact professionals to install a water softener.

Many homeowners don’t realize hard water causes many issues and inconveniences, from having to clean the house more often to problems with the plumbing system. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution: a water softener. 

Here are the top advantages of using a water softener:

Prevents limescale buildup 

Hard water has a high mineral content, and these minerals can produce limescale buildup on plumbing fixtures, dishwashers, washing machines, or pipes. Over time, the limescale can lead to leaks and rust and affect the water quality. 

Water softeners eliminate minerals from the water, thus preventing limescale and potential damage. 

Healthier hair and skin 

Hard water doesn’t only affect plumbing fixtures. Water with a high mineral content may dry out the hair and skin. People who enjoy taking long showers or have skin issues have probably noticed this. A water softener eliminates the calcium and magnesium ions in hard water, resulting in healthier hair and skin. 

Cleaner dishes 

Homeowners with hard water usually notice the spots and stains on their dishes. This is because the dishes look dirty or cloudy, no matter how well they are washed. A water softener can make dishes crystal clear by removing the minerals responsible for the stains from the water. 

Less detergent necessary 

Detergents and soaps don’t work in hard water because the high mineral content affects their effectiveness. As a result, many homeowners try to use more detergent to clean their dishes, even though the amount isn’t the problem. 

By installing a water softener, homeowners can reduce the amount of detergent necessary for cleaning the dishes by up to a whopping 50%. 

Softer clothes 

The minerals from hard water can find their way to the clothes during the washing process. As a result, the clothes may feel stiff after being washed, and synthetic fabrics can produce more static. Water softeners maintain the right balance of minerals in the water, resulting in softer clothes and minimal static. 

Improved efficiency of water-using appliances 

Hard water can damage water-using appliances over time. So if homeowners notice the efficiency of such machines has reduced in the last few years, it’s most likely because of hard water. With a water softener, homeowners can regain the efficiency they’re used to and ensure no future damage risk. 

Better-tasting water 

High mineral content can make the water taste unpleasant and even lead to sensitive gums. Water softeners regulate the mineral content and improve the water quality. 

Reach out to the professionals 

Homeowners who want to end hard water issues shouldn’t hesitate to contact professionals to install a water softener. Choose a company that has been in the business for years and has the expertise and equipment to guarantee durability and high quality. Since water softeners can last between 10 and 15 years, installing these appliances is a wise long-term investment.

911 Heating, Cooling and Plumbing can service all commercial and residential HVAC and plumbing needs. Call 602-795-2900 today!